Revisiting “Putting People First” : an organizational culture perspective
Chong Shi Hao
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Abstract: transformations in societal fabric and shifting norms within the composition and demographics of the population are affecting the singapore armed forces (saf). as culture, values, engagement in politics and work all interact in a complex manner, there is a need to reexamine the saf introspectively. Wherever we may be in the saf, each of us has a role to play as subordinates and leaders. there is a need to respect each other as individuals, not merely as human resources or digits in the establishment. a people-first culture means developing our people through work and using intrinsic motivation to generate results and a sense of purpose. Keywords: Human Resource; Military Transformation; Organizational Culture; Third Generation SAF
Pointer Vol. 39, No. 1 2013
Pointer Article ; Vol. 39, No. 1