The Case for Pre-Emptive Warfare and its Implications for Singapore
CPT Seah, Jun Hao
Total copies: 1
According to the author, small states make easy targets and it comes as no surprise that preventive measures are being considered to deter potential aggressors. One topic that has been widely and actively discussed is the issue of pre-emptive self-defence and warfare. However, the author stresses that there are underlying conditions that countries should consider before they can justify their cause for a pre-emptive self-defence. Inhis essay, he discusses the justifications for pre-emptive warfare as a useful tool in achieving strategic interests in the pre-war to post-war continuum. He also highlights the five justifications and three superiorities a country should consider in order to carry out a successful pre-emptive war. He discusses the strategic relevance and importance of pre-emptive warfare for small states. He then explores the various justifications for pre-emptive warfare and finally, he suggests the necessary preparations for a pre-emptive war.
Pointer Vol. 42, No. 1
Pointer Article ; Vol. 42, No. 1