Facility Booking
About Facility Booking
SAFTIMI Library is specifically designed to provide physical learning spacesfor our members. These spaces can be used for studies, discussions, collaborative learning, workshops, seminars, leisure readings etc.
The facilities are available for bookings by MINDEF/SAF members only.
To prevent overbooking, members are only able to book up to three months in advance.
Booking link
Click here to check availability and proceed with your facility booking.

Basic Housekeeping
- To minimise odours, stains, pests and inconveniences to other users, do refrain from eating and consuming sweetened drinks within the library’s enclosed facilities.
- Writing spaces are available for your use in our facilities. Suitable whiteboard markers and dusters will be issued to you at the library counter upon your arrival.
- In consideration of the next group of users, do keep the facilities clean and tidy, as well as ensure the furniture are returned to their original positions or locations upon the end of your booking.
- Enjoy your time at SAFTI MI Library. Be considerate to other users. The Library reserves the right to revoke the use of the library facilities, if users are found to be breaching the rules.
Large Meeting Room

Suitable for workshops, mass briefings or seminars. Reserved primarily for teaching purposes.
Up to 24 pax (seated)
03 x round tables / 24 x chairs / Elongated writing wall / Power points / LCD TV with cables
Medium Meeting Rooms

Outfitted for groups that require an enclosed space for discussions and presentations, these rooms come equipped with LCD televisions that can be connected to your laptops.
Up to 06 pax per room
01 x rectangular boardroom table / 06 x chairs / 01 x LCD TV with cables / 01 x white board / Power pointsSmall Meeting Rooms

Four discussion rooms suitable for study groups, small scale meetings or discussions.
Up to 04 pax per roomAmenities
01 x round table / 04 x chairs / White Board / Power points / LCD TV with cables
Lecture Rooms

Two auditorium style rooms meant for ‘closed door’ presentations, mass briefings, talks or courses. The two adjoining rooms can be combined for a bigger audience, if needed.
28 theatre seating per auditorium (56 in total)Amenities
56 theatre seating / 02 x presenter tables / 02 x white boards / 02 x projector screens / Sound system with audio-visual control panelStudy Booths

Students who require a quiet sanctuary to revise or research on their curriculum may choose to utilise this zone which houses 06 study booths.Capacity
Up to 02 pax per boothAmenities
Power pointsCollaboration Area

The biggest open area cordoned within the library, this area is suitable for group discussions, collaborations, etc. Writing boards are available for use. No booking is required.
Up to 25 pax (seated)Amenities
04 x groups of modular furniture / 02 x elongated writing wall / Power points / LCD TV with cablesReading Area

Individuals that require charging stations for their mobile devices or laptops while they work, will find abundant open sitting space at this area.