The Use of Counter Improvised Explosive Device Information To Achieve Battlefield Effects For Targeting And Information Operations
LTC Adrian, Lee
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Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) is usually part of a broader counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency or law enforcement effort. According to the author, counter-insurgency is designed to combine both lethal and non-lethal actions to crumble insurgent networks. He explains the purpose of the campaign design, planning and targeting process of counter-insurgency efforts and the vital roles they play in overcoming challenges and fully utilising opportunities. The author also explains the importance of support from local host nation leaders and the populace and their art in the battle against insurgents in an irregular warfare environment. An in-depth analysis is done, using the ongoing war between Afghan security forces and the Taliban, studying the extensive use of Information Operations by both sides and also the campaign by the Afghan government to influence the Afghan populace to aid in IED neutralisation and effectively combat insurgents.
Pointer Vol. 41 No, 4
Pointer Article ; Vol. 41 No, 4