Beyond vulnerability? : water in Singapore-Malaysia relations
Kog, Yue Choong2002
Total copies: 4
¿́¿Singapore depends upon Johor for about half of its daily supply of portable water. This dependence upon Malaysia for water is perceived in Singapore to compound its vulnerability. Malaysian threats to cut its supply of water to Singapore whenever it has a disagreement with the latter have confirmed Singapore¿́¿s worst fears. This issue of water in Singapore-Malaysia relations is in large part driven by an increasing demand for water not only in Singapore, but also in Malaysia and the pressure on the supply of water from catchment areas threatened by urbanisation, industrialisation and agriculture. The three essays in this Monograph examine the prospects of new technology meeting this increasing demand for water and challenges to its supply in Singapore and Malaysia. The essays take different approaches to examining the prospects of moving the issue of water in Singapore¿́¿s relations with Malaysia from the vicious cycle of vulnerability and threats to the virtuous cycle of conflict avoidance and co-operation.¿́¿ -- SAF Professional Reading Programme, 4th Edition - STAGE II: CPT 2 to MAJ 1 & MWO-SWO
Beyond vulnerability? : water in Singapore-Malaysia relations / Kog Yue Choong, Irvin Lim Fang Jau, Joey Long Shi Ruey ; edited by Kwa Chong Guan.
Singapore : Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2002.
154 p. ; 23 cm.
IDSS monograph ; no. 3
Bibliography: p. 141-154.
9810467680 (pbk)