Swarm in warfare – how the SAF can accelerate the adoption of the Swarm Innovation
Singapore Armed Forces2019
Total copies: 1
The robotics revolution offers new ways of warfighting through co-operative robotics including swarm and multi-agent systems resulting in swarm warfare. The essence of swarm warfare combines the highly decentralised nature of melee combat with the mobility of manoeuvre warfare. Underlying the ability to fight in a decentralised manner is a high degree of organisation that allows many individual agents to operate collectively—the concept of disaggregation. For the successful implementation of swarm, the enabling technological components are cooperation, autonomy and network. Swarm warfare can increase operational effectiveness and efficiency by fighting with mass and enable game changing warfighting such as Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T). Technological obstacles in communication and networks, software and autonomous logic developments, as well as cultural barriers related to system safety and ethical issues will need to be addressed. The authors feel that to accelerate adoption of the swarm innovation, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) can address cultural and bureaucratic factors.
Main title:
Swarm in warfare – how the SAF can accelerate the adoption of the Swarm Innovation / by LTC Leonard Wong Loong He, LTC Teo Wei Keong, CPT Joshua Ong Wee Tiong and CPT Peter Alexandre Chua Li Young
Singapore : Sin, August 2019
Monthly, August 2019