The IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2022
IISS Shangri-La Dialogue2022
Total copies: 2
Main title:
The IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2022 / The International Institute for Security Studies
10–12 June 2022
Programme content for 10 June 2022: Opening remarks by Dr John Chipman; Keynote address by Kishida Fumio; Programme content for 11 June 2022: Opening of the summit by Dr John Chipman; First plenary session - Next steps for the United States' Indo-pacific strategies; Second plenary session - Managing geopolitical competition in a multipolar region; Third plenary session - Developing new forms of security cooperation; Fourth plenary session - Military modernisation and new defence capabilities; Special address by Volodymyr Zelenskyy; Session 1 - Climate security and green defence; Session 2 - Myanmar: Finding a way forward; Session 3 - Maritime security: From codes of conduct to crisis; Programme content for 12 June 2022: Opening of day 2 by Dr John Chipman; Fifth plenary session - China's vision for regional order; Sixth plenary session - Common challenges for Asia-Pacific and European defence; Seventh plenary session - New ideas for securing regional stability.