Hanging by a thread : our connection to war
Singapore Armed Forces2020
Total copies: 1
According to the author, autonomous technology is increasingly adopted by the various military forces around the world. In fact, there is a wide proliferation of robots which are being used to replace humans for many tasks, even in the battlefield. However, the author feels that the adoption of autonomous technology creates a distinct distance between the ‘operator’ and his targets and has moral implications. In his essay, the author first highlights the trends in war. He then details the advent of autonomous technologies. He further adds that there is a role and place for both autonomous and manned systems in the future battlefield. He feels that the key is to strike a balance and be able to get the best out of each. While an autonomous system might be able keep a human out of harm's way, there is a possibility that using an autonomous system can blind us to war and the real destruction it brings. The main drawback of using autonomous systems is that it may become easy to wage wars, thereby treading into moral and ethical issues. The author concludes however that it is the human element that is still crucial in the final outcome between autonomous and manned systems.
Main title:
Hanging by a thread : our connection to war / ME6 Calvin Seah Ser Thong
November 2020
Singapore : SIN, November 2020.
Monthly, November 2020.