The proliferation of cheap weaponised drones – a tactical innovation or a strategic military edge?
Singapore Armed Forces2021
Total copies: 1
In this essay, the author is of the opinion that the proliferation of cheap weaponised drones is not merely an incremental tactical innovation. He believes that, it provides non-state actors with a precision capability impervious to most defences and, is capable of targeting any military asset. This capability has brought strategic implications for how the state organises and employs military forces in line with their objectives. The author first examines how proliferation of the drone technology has altered the conduct of operations at the tactical front in order to craft a foundation for discussing strategic implications of its usage through the understanding of the revolution of weaponised drones, changes associated with technological advancement, legality as well as the ethical criticism which becomes a crucial factor in its employment. He analyses the above factors so as to provide an understanding of the shifts in the strategic landscape with the inception of drone technology and offers suggestions for the states to organise and employ military forces. The author concludes that it is critical that states strategise their military forces in doctrine, training and acquisitions so as to counter the possible threats raised by state and non-state actors in this increasingly drone-saturated world.
Main title:
Singapore, 2021
Monthly, Jun 2021