Will Strengthening The SAF Mean Strengthening Singapore's Deterrence As A Non-Nuclear State?
LTC Lee Li Huat
Total copies: 1
Since Singapore’s independence in 1965, protecting her land and sovereignty have remained crucial priorities of the Singapore government. Due to her inherent lack of natural resources, the Singapore Armed Forces has adopted the strategy of Deterrence and Diplomacy through the five pillars of Total Defence. Yet, in today’s world of increasingly unconventional threats such as terrorism and cyber terrorism, is Singapore’s deterrence capability capable and well-equipped to defend Singapore in times of need? This essay will define and explain what deterrence is, before continuing to debate whether the SAF can defend itself in times of need or, if it needs to strengthen itself further as a 3rd Generation Army. The essay will also highlight other important factors that contribute to Singapore’s deterrence strategy, such as the national willpower to fight and if the SAF is sufficiently communicating such messages to the public. Lastly, an evaluation on how the SAF can be strengthened further will also be suggested.
Main title:
Pointer Vol. 41 No. 4
Pointer Article ; Vol. 41 No. 4