Swimming In Sensors, Drowning In Data — Big Data Analytics For Military Intelligence
ME4 Toh, Bao En
Total copies: 1
With the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) investing heavily in integrated strike and Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) capabilities, intelligence analysts are now faced with the need to produce ever-more precise intelligence in the face of information overload—a deluge of data beyond the ability of humans to process and understand. Big data analytics provide the ability to quantitatively deal with the masses of information, as well as to qualitatively improve intelligence assessments by drawing out patterns and insights from data. In this essay, the author briefly examines how defence and intelligence agencies in other countries deal with big data and then outlines a model of what big data architecture would entail and a vision of how data analytics will change the way intelligence analysis is performed. Finally, the author proposes two approaches to seeding and implementing big data for intelligence in the SAF.
Pointer Vol. 42, No. 1
Pointer Article ; Vol. 42, No. 1