Battlefront new media : lessons for the SAF based on a study of the information campaign during Operation Pillar of Defence
CPT Leong Tai Liang, Daniel
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In this essay, the author studies the various social media platforms used by the IDF during an information campaign against its adversary, to analyse the effectiveness, the challenges and limitations encountered and to explore the principles that would potentially benefit the SAF. According to the author, with the advancements in technology and the increased use of new media today, social media, a sub-set of new media, has undoubtedly become the go-to platform for the latest news updates around the world. However, the truthfulness of the messages that are delivered on such platforms still remains a key area of concern. He adds that in today’s context, it is easy to find multiple sources on the internet, each with a different side to yet the same story and it is up to the public to discern the right from the wrong. The author concludes that a well-developed new media campaign will be able to strengthen the will and resolve of a nation, thus avoiding unnecessary internal conflict, preventing any erosion of the collective will to fight, as well as drawing international support. The key to this is ultimately about having the upper hand in the control of information, with new media’s social platforms being one increasingly critical avenue to establish this.
POINTER Vol. 41, No. 4
Pointer Article ; Vol. 41, No. 4