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Leadership Development Community (Led by CLD)

Leadership Development Community (Led by CLD)

The CLD was established to promote Leadership excellence and to spearhead Leadership Development in the SAF. By researching and developing timely and relevant CLD programmes, processes, and practices, CLD seeks to develop highly effective and committed SAF Leaders, Commanders, and Command Teams. In addition, CLD's effectiveness is determined by its ability to collaborate and deliver contextualised and relevant Leader education that supports autonomous self-development by all Leaders and Commanders.

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    Stage 1 Books

    1. “Military Leadership in the 21st Century: Science and Practice”, Chan Kim Yin, 2010.[Hard copy]
    2. “Transforming Command: The Pursuit of Mission Command in the US, British and Israeli Armies”, Eltan Shamir, 2011. [Hard copy][E-Book]
    3. “16 Cases of Mission Command”, Donald P. Wright, 2013. [Hard copy, E-Book]
    4. “Mission Command” in Army Doctrine Reference Publication No. 6-0, U.S. Army, 2012. [E-Article]
    5. “The Lemming Dilemma: Living With Purpose, Leading With Vision”, David Hutchens, 2000. [Hard copy]
    6. “The Leader, The Teacher & You: Leadership Through the Third Generation”, Lim Siong Guan and Joanne H. Lim, 2013. [Hard copy][E-Book]
    7. “Emotional Intelligence 2.0”, Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves, 2009. [NLB, E-Book]
    8. “Man’s Search for Meaning”, Viktor E. Frankl, 1985. [Hard copy, E-Book]
    9. “The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Education”, Craig M. Mullaney, 2009. [E-Book]
    10. “How Will You Measure Your Life?”, Clayton M. Christensen, 2012. [Hard copy] [Audiobook]


    Stage 2 Books

    1. “Transforming Command: The Pursuit of Mission Command in the U.S., British and Israeli Armies”, Eitan Shamir, 2011. [Hard copy][E-Book]
    2. “16 Cases of Mission Command”, Donald P. Wright, 2013. [E-Article]
    3. “Mission Command” in Army Doctrine Reference Publication No. 6-0, U.S. Army, 2012. [E-Article]
    4. “The 360 Degree Leader”, John C. Maxwell, 2005.[NLB] [E-book]

    Stage 3 Books

    1. “Military Leadership in the 21st Century: Science and Practice”, Chan Kim Yin, 2010.[Hard copy]
    2. “SPOT on Facilitation: Engaging People, Empowering Teams, Exceeding Goals”, Janice Lua and Prabu Naidu, 2011.[NLB]
    3. “Coaching for Performance: Growing Human Potential and Purpose: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership”, John Whitmore, 2009.[Hard copy, E-Book]

    POINTER Monographs on Leadership Development

    1. “Called to Lead: A Reader for Aspiring SAF Leaders” in Pointer Monograph No. 8, Singapore Armed Forces, 2011. [E-Article]
    2. “Leading in the Third Generation SAF” in Pointer Monograph No. 9, Singapore Armed Forces, 2012. [E-Article]
    3. “Reflections on Leadership” in Pointer, Desmond Kuek, 2009. [Hard copy]
    4. “Spirit & System: Leadership Development for a Third Generation SAF” in Pointer Monograph No. 4, Chan Kim Yin, 2005. [E-Article]

    Processes and Practices GuidE-Book

    1. “Guide to Action Learning Process (ALP) in the SAF”, Singapore Armed Forces, 2016. [E-Article]
    2. “Guide to Team Building and Team Learning (TBTL) in the SAF, Singapore Armed Forces, 2016. [E-Article]

    SAF Leader Development Roadmap (SAF LDRM)

    The SAF LDRM is developed with reference to the SAF Leadership (24/7) Framework and Leadership Competency Model (LCM).

    Fig 1: SAF LDRM

    Table 1: Typical Appointments of Officers

    Table 2: Typical Appointments of Warrant Officers and Specialists

    Table 3: Typical Appointments of 'Through-Train' Military Experts

    Table 4: Typical Appointments of 'Direct-Entry' Military Experts

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