Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute (SWI)
Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute (SWI)
The Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute (SWI) is the premier Institute for the nurturing of Warrant Officers across the three services of the Singapore Armed Forces. It houses three schools, the Specialist Cadet School (SCS), SAF Warrant Officer School (SAFWOS) and the Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School (SWAS).
SWI Website
(I) Joint Leadership Course (JLC)
Evolution of Modern Warfare
- “The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century”, Thomas X. Hammes, 2004. [Hard copy][E-Book]
- "Thinking about Revolutions in Warfare" in The Dynamics of Military Revolution: 1300-2050, MacGregor Knox and Williamson Murray, 2001. [Hard copy]
- "The Evolution of Modern Warfare." in Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies, pp. 39-59, John Baylis, James J. Wirtz and Colin S. Gray, 2016. [Hard copy]
Just War
- “Moral Responsibilities and the Conflicting Demands of Jus Post Bellum” in Ethics & International Affairs Vol. 23 Issue 2, pp. 147-164, Mark Evans, 2009. [In NLB E-resources]
- “Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations”, Michael Walzer, 1992. [Hard copy][E-Book]
- "Humanitarian Intervention in World Politics." in The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, pp. 555-578, John Baylis and Steve Smith, 2005. [Hard copy]
The Malayan Campaign
- “Seventy Days to Singapore: The Malayan Campaign, 1941-1942”, Stanley L. Falk, 1975. [Hard copy]
- “Malayan Campaign 1941-42: Lessons for ONE SAF” in Pointer Monograph No. 6, Brian P. Farrell, 2008. [E-Article]
- “Singapore: The Chain of Disaster”, Stanley Woodburn Kirby, 1971.[Hard copy]
Technology and War
- “An Introduction to Strategic Studies: Military Technology and International Relations”, Barry Buzan, 1987. [Hard copy]
- "Technology and Warfare" in Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies, pp. 235-253, John Baylis, James J. Wirtz and Colin S. Gray, 2016. [Hard copy]
- “Perspectives on Strategy”, Colin S. Gray, 2013. [E-Book]
Joint Warfare
- “Joint and Combined Warfare in the Twenty-First Century" in Essence of Military Power: At the Dawn of the 21st Century, Proceedings of the NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs, 15-16 January 2002, pp. 139-166, Williamson Murray, 2002. [Hard copy]
- “Conquering the Elements: Thoughts on Joint Force (Re)Organization” in Parameters, Vol. 33 Issue 3, pp. 34-45, Michael P. Noonan and Mark R. Lewis, 2003. [In NLB E-resources]
- “Building an Integrated Force: Overcoming Challenges to Operate as ONE SAF” in Pointer Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 25-33, Tommy Tan, 2008. [E-Article]
Falklands War
- “The Falklands Conflict Twenty Years On: Lessons for the Future”, Stephen Badsey and Robin Paul Whittick Havers, 2005. [Hard copy]
- "The 1982 Falklands-Malvinas Case Study", Douglas N. Hime, 2010. [E-Article]
- “Victory in the Falklands: Falklands War”, Nicholas Van Der Bijl, 2007. [Hard copy][E-Book]
Overview of Precision Warfare
- “Reclaiming the Clausewitzian Trinity” in Parameters, Autumn 1995, Christopher Bassford and Edward J. Villacres, 1995. [E-Article]
- “The Military-Technical Revolution: A Preliminary Assessment”, Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., 2002. [E-Article]
- "Weapons: The Growth and Spread of the Precision-Strike Regime" in Strategic Studies: A Reader, pp. 343- 354, Thomas G. Mahnken and Joseph A. Maiolo, 2008. [Hard copy][E-Book]
Overview of Full Spectrum Operations
- “Winning the Peace: The Requirement for Full-Spectrum Operations” in Military Review July-August 2005, Peter W. Chiarelli and Patrick R. Michaelis, 2005. [E-Article]
- “Singapore’s Security Challenges: How does the RMA Fit In?” in IDSS Commentaries, 28/2004, Joshua Ho and Manjeet S Pardesi, 2004.[E-Article]
- “The RSAF - Becoming a Full Spectrum, Integrated, and Ready Air Force” in Pointer Vol. 35 No. 1, Neo Hong Keat and Jeoh Leo. [E-Article]
Insurgency Warfare
- “Counterinsurgency”, David Kilcullen, 2010. [Hard copy]
- “Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife”, John A. Nagl, 2002. [Hard copy][E-Book]
- “Malaysia's Defeat of Armed Communism: The Second Emergency, 1968-1989”, Ong Weichong, 2015. [E-Book]
Lebanon War 2006/Cast Lead 2008
- “Back to Basics: A Study of the Second Lebanon War and Operation CAST LEAD”, Scott C. Farquhar, 2009.[E-Article]
- “Observations from the 2006 Lebanon and 2008 Gaza Wars and Lessons for the RSAF” in Pointer Vol. 36 No. 3-4, pp. 30-38, Ho Yung Peng and Reuben Lim, 2011. [E-Article]
- “Military Capabilities for Hybrid War: Insights from the Israel Defense Forces in Lebanon and Gaza”, David E. Johnson, 2010.[E-Article]
Force Modernisation in the Asia-Pacific
- “Great Powers and Hierarchical Order in Southeast Asia” in International Security Vol. 32 Issue 3 (Winter), Evelyn Goh, 2007. [E-Article]
- “Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation: National Interests and Regional Order”, Tan See Seng and Amitav Acharya, 2004. [Hard copy][E-Book]
- “Globalization and Defence in the Asia-Pacific: Arms across Asia”, Geoffrey Till, 2008. [Hard copy]
(II) Joint Senior Leadership Course (JSLC)
- “From the Mosque to the Ballot Box: An Introduction to Political Islam in Malaysia”, Delphine Alles and Sophie Lumiere, 2010. [Hard copy]
- “Malaysia's Foreign Policy: The First Fifty Years: Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism”, Johan Saravanamuttu, 2010. [In NLB]
- “Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Malaysia”, Meredith L. Weiss, 2015. [E-book][Hard-copy]
- “Conversations with Mahathir Mohamad: Doctor M: Operation Malaysia”, Tom Plate, 2011. [Hard copy]
- “Red Star over Malaya: Resistance and Social Conflict During and after the Japanese Occupation of Malaya, 1941-46”, Cheah Boon Kheng, 2012. [Hard copy]
- “Singapore's Aviation Centenary, 1911 to 2011: Syonan-To: Including Malaya/Malaysia”, L. Maasilla Mani and Teo Yew Chiat, 2011. [Hard copy]
- “Politics in a Plural Society: A Study of Non-Communal Political Parties in West Malaysia”, R. K. Vasil, 1971. [In NLB]
- “Malaysia Today: Without Fear or Favour”, Tan Chee Khoon and Raj Vasil, 1985. [Hard copy]
- “Statist Democracy and the Limits of Civil Society in Malaysia”, James V. Jesudason, 1993. [Hard copy]
- “Democracy Without Consensus: Communalism and Political Stability in Malaysia”, Karl von Vorys, 1975. [Hard copy]
- “Transition Politics in Southeast Asia: Dynamics of Leadership Change and Succession in Indonesia and Malaysia”, Yang Razali Kassim, 2005. [Hard copy]
- “Contentious Journalism and the Internet: Towards Democratic Discourse in Malaysia and Singapore”, Cherian George, 2006. [Hard copy]
- “Protest and Possibilities: Civil Society and Coalitions for Political Change in Malaysia”, Meredith L. Weiss, 2006. [Hard copy]
- “The Influence of Islam in the Military: Comparative Study of Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan”, Ab Razak bin Mohd Khairan, 2004. [Hard copy]
- “An Economic History of Malaysia, c.1800-1990: The Transition to Modern Economic Growth”, John Drabble, 2000. [Hard copy]
- “Malaysia: From Kampung to Twin Towers: 50 Years of Economic and Social Development”, Richard Leete, 2007 [Hard copy]
- “The Islamic Opposition in Malaysia: New Trajectories and Directions?”, Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, 2008. [Hard copy]
- “Lost in Transition: Malaysia Under Abdullah”, Ooi Kee Beng, 2008. [Hard copy]
- “Ethnic Politics in Malaysia”, R. K. Vasil, 1980. [Hard copy]
- “Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy: Political and Social Change into the 21st Century”, Colin Barlow, 2001. [Hard copy]
- “The Shaping of Malaysia”, Amarjit Kaur and Ian Metcalfe, 1999. [Hard copy]
- “Malaysia: The Making of a Nation”, Cheah Boon Kheng, 2002. [Hard copy]
- “Malaysia in the Dangerous 80s”, Lim Kit Siang, 1982. [Hard copy]
- “Racial Politics in Malaysia”, Charles T. Goh, 1989. [Hard copy]